Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mid Winter Feast - It's on for 2009!

Last year, Sunday Stuff ran a mid-winter feast in our Sunday morning time at Fairfield SPACE. The idea was to mark mid-winter with a traditional celebration. Mid-winter has been important in Europe and other parts of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of history. The mid-winter festivities have greatly influenced western Christianity through Christmas (a Christianised mid-winter festival).

We held our feast to encourage people along as the days got darker and colder. From mid-winter on the days get lighter, but colder and wetter (we hope!). It was a great time, with hearty food, some stories and music ("Bring Us In Good Ale" got a really good listen and we sang Carols with gusto).

We want to do it again this year, and open it up to out friends and neighbours to encourage them along. We'll do it on June 21, starting 10:30 at Fairfield SPACE (88a Station St Fairfield). If you have ideas or want to invite someone, shoot me a message!

Rusty Spring Festival - Highlights

Great festival - wow!

Solace ran a house party up at the Hepburn Springs Chalet, lovely venue and we all had a great time. Good to spend a weekend with our broader faith community.

Stu ran a great festival. My highlights were:
  • short film festival from Campfire film festival (campfire.net.au), heaps of unusual perspectives captured with humour and insight
  • Reading the Gospel of Mark through with 5 other people - what a story!
  • Hearing Dave Collis unpack the Jubilee stuff from the Old Testament a bit - very inspiring and a good source of imagination for our economic arrangements
  • Chatting with Paul Steel about work and finding meaning and inspiration no matter what job we're in
  • Sharing the Hymn of the Big Wheel with a bigger bunch of people - thanks all who came!
Check out rustyspring.net for more info on the Rusty Spring Festival